
The Nerds in the Mountains…

…say hi! 😀 We’re the people who grab the corner table at a restaurant, waste the window seat on a bus, and carry paperbacks to parties. We enjoy reading–alone and together. Once a month, we gather over chai, coffee, or pizza to share our literary adventures with each other and make a list of all the characters we’re yet to hate and love.

Come join us, won’t you?

What | When | Where | Who | Why | How

Dharamshala Nerds is a reading community that aims to learn and grow together. It’s a place for anyone and everyone who likes to read. Read what? Anything that gives them value. Built on the idea of a book club, Dharamshala Nerds has evolved into a community that fosters learning through the habit of reading. Books, novels, articles, research papers, journals, magazines–any reading material that can bring value to the readers is welcome here.

Started in May 2022 by a nerdy bookish pahadan, Dharamshala Nerds meet, online, offline, or in person (whatever suits all the nerds), at the beginning of each month to vote and decide on a reading topic. Throughout the month, they update each other on their respective reading progress followed by a discussion meeting towards the end of each month.

Knowledge is power. And the more you know, the more you realise you don’t know. Dharamshala Nerds is a space dedicated to experiencing this learning paradox. We read. We learn. We know.