1. What is Dharamshala Nerds?
Dharamshala Nerds is a reading community that comes together every month to discover the infinite worlds of literature. In simple terms, we’re just a bunch of nerds who get together and talk about books. Learn more about Dharamshala Nerds here.
2. How can I join the book club?
You can sign up for Dharamshala Nerds here. And if you’re okay with social media, you can connect with us on Instagram.
3. Will we read only novels?
While novels are the most popular formats, we engage in reading anything and everything that can add value to our lives. This includes articles, research papers, journals, magazines, editorials, etc.We encourage each member to suggest books, articles, reports, or any reading material about the topics of his/her interest to enable an inclusive reading experience.
4. Do I have to pay to be a member?
No. Dharamshala Nerds is a community of readers that come together to explore the many different worlds of literature. There is no joining fee for the members at the moment. You can sign up to be a member of the book club here.
5. How often will we read?
Ideally, the community reads 1 book per month together. But the members can connect and read more or less than that. There are no restrictions on learning!
6. Do I have to participate in every read-along?
No! Reading is supposed to be fun. While we encourage maximum participation, we understand if a topic does not interest you or if you just don’t feel up to reading. Real life happens, we know. 🙂
7. How do you decide which book to read?
Every month, the nerds nominate and vote on a book, article, paper, journal, etc. that they can read together. The community is open to exploring literary worlds of all kinds. You can nominate a reading material here.
8. What if I have already read the book?
You can decide to re-read it with the nerds or choose to sit this one out. 🙂
9. Do you read or exclude specific genres?
Nope. Learning cannot afford to be partial. We try to extend our learning curve to as many topics as possible. That is why, suggestions are chosen randomly so that no one plays any favourites!
10. How often do you meet?
The nerds aim to meet at least twice a month—once at the beginning to decide on the reading material for the month and once towards the end to discuss it. However, depending on what suits everyone, more or fewer number of meetings can be arranged.
11. How do we access books?
Dharamshala Nerds is a small community where in the members usually get their own copies of the books. There is an option to split on the paid monthly subscription to Scirbd. For the same, you can write to dharamshalanerds@gmail.com.
12. What if I can’t show up every month?
No problem at all! You can show up just once because we’re discussing your favourite book, or every month because you can’t get enough. We’re all busy sometimes and we totally get that you can’t commit to being there every month. We all need a holiday now and then.
13. What if I don’t like the book that’s picked?
The nerds decide on the book that gets the maximum number of votes. If you still do not like the featured read for a month, you can choose to skip it. 🙂
14. Is the book discussion mandatory?
Not at all! The focus is learning. If you enjoy discussing what you’ve been reading, great! If not, that’s okay too. You can skip the discussions or just be present silently.
15. How would I get to know when is the meet?
Once you’re registered with us, we will take care of keeping you in the loop about everything!
16. How will I interact with other readers?
Once you register with us, you will be added to our closed telegram group where you will have the opportunity to interact with the other readers.